Athlete of the Month: August

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We are proud to share our July Athlete of the Month;

Morgan Anderson!


About Morgan:

Age: 33
Occupation: Telecom Tech at Jefferson Lab
Fitness background: Played basketball, softball and cheer-leading all throughout high school.  I have ran 5 half marathons and 1 full marathon
Hobbies: running, boating, beach and traveling with my husband and three daughters, and watching my girls play sports (especially softball!)
When did you start Crossfit and why did you choose OP?

I started Crossfit in 2014. I was training for a half marathon but needed something more.  I found a Groupon promotion at a Crossfit gym near my house and wanted to try it.  I was so intimidated and nervous to walk through the doors so I took my sister with me.  It was a great workout.  I knew I wanted to continue after the promotion ended but the owners decided to close the gym. I immediately started to look for a new box. OP was located across from my work and had a class I could do on my lunch break.  I knew I wanted to join OP the moment I walked through the door.  The coach at that time was so welcoming and informative. I joined and have been coming to noon classes ever since.

What was your first workout/most memorable workout?

I don’t remember my first workout but I do remember my first Rx WOD which involved front rack dumbbell lunges. I remember being so proud of myself that I was able to complete it with the heavier weight.  I also will never forget my first competition at Girl Gone Rx in 2015. So much fun and I PR’d my clean and jerk.

And who can forget my most memorable WOD when I ripped open my leg on a box jump.  Eight staples later and a wonderful scar.  Thank you for the soft boxes!!!

How has Crossfit and the OP community helped you accomplish your goals?

My #1 goal at CrossFit is simple, Show up!  It is easy for me to find an excuse not to come to CrossFit some days especially since I use my lunch break for it.  I have to remind myself that I will never regret working out but I will feel terrible later if I skip. If I consistently show up and do the work, I will get stronger and PR my lifts/WODs.

What are your favorite Crossfit movements & why?

I love any lifting movement that involves finding a 1RM.  I love seeing the hard work pay off and getting stronger. I also love deadlifts and rowing. I would be ecstatic if I never have to do a burpee again!

What’s something memorable you’ve realized or learned while being at OP?

I am a very competitive person. Growing up with two older sisters, I was constantly trying to keep up with them with everything.  I keep reminding myself that modifying a WOD is not failing at the WOD.  The coaches are amazing and helpful when answering my many questions. They push me when I doubt myself. Everyone is your personal cheerleader and so supportive of each other.

More from Morgan: Don’t be nervous or intimidated to try Crossfit.  The coaches and people at OP are amazing.

I absolutely love the Nooners! We try to hold each other accountable and support each other.

My girls and I play a game during the week when I pick them up from school or camp where they have to tell me their favorite and least favorite part of their day. (This is the only way I can get any information out of them about their  When they ask me they know that I always say my favorite part  was the time spent at OP! It puts me in a better mood for the rest of the day.

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