Athlete of the Month: July

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We are proud to share our July Athlete of the Month;

Raul Garrastazu

About Raul:

Age: 25
Occupation: US Coast Guard
Fitness background: Swimmer since I was 5 years old all the way through college
Hobbies: Video games, outdoors adventures and workout
Favorite pre/post workout meal: Chipotle

More Fun Facts:

What is your spirit animal?

lion or elephant

What superpower would you want to possess?  

To be able to teleport

When did you start Crossfit and why did you choose OP?
I started CrossFit right after I was done with swimming in college in Florida
What was your first workout/most memorable workout?
My first workout my first day was Fran and I ended up puking
How has Crossfit and the OP community helped you accomplish your goals?
My goals in CrossFit are to be able to do all the gymnastics movements special be able to handstand walk
What are your favorite Crossfit movements & why?
My favorite movements are: for cardio the rower, and strength: cleans and squats
What is your proudest Crossfit accomplishment?
Proudest CrossFit accomplishment was to be able to do bar muscle ups during my first open in 2017 and do strict handstand push ups this year during the open
What’s something memorable you’ve realized or learned while being at OP?
Something that I have learned from OP coaches and any CrossFit community that I have been part of, is that we are all a family and I love that feeling of always feeling welcome! That’s something that I love about CrossFit!
