Athlete of the Month: September

We are proud to share our September Athlete of the Month;

Josh Hancock!

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About Josh:

Image may contain: one or more people, sky, outdoor and water

Age: 33
Occupation: Physical Therapist Assistant at OSC Physical Therapy
Fitness background: 10 yrs Muay Thai kick boxing, Blue belt in Brazilian Ju Jitsu, 2 yrs Escrima stick and knife fighting, 2 yrs combat submission wrestling, 2 yrs Parkour instructor, 6 months basic tumbling coach. 8 months tree top adventure course instructor
Hobbies: I love the outdoors. I try to get out and hike, camp or kayak whenever I can. Some day you may see me practicing Parkour in City center.
Favorite Pre/Post Workout Meal: I love lasagna! I could eat that any day of the week. I am currently eating a Keto based diet so I would have to say now it would be a perfectly grilled steak and collard greens 🙂
More Fun Facts: 
Spirit Animal: I would have to say the tiger. Tiger is all about keeping your eye on the prize. Whatever your goals are energetically, Tiger as a Spirit Animal provides tireless discipline and energy.
Cheat Meal: My girlfriend Tina and I go to Angelo’s diner every Sunday for a piece of chocolate silk pie and a hot cup of coffee!
Top 3 “Most Frequent” Emojis: Surprised Face Image result for surprised face emoji, Smiley Face Image result for smiley face emoji, Fist BumpImage result for fist bump emoji
When did you start Crossfit and why did you choose OP?

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I started CrossFit at OP in May of 2015 for 6 months; however I was unable to keep up with it because I started the Physical Therapy assistant program at ECPI/MCI. I was also working as a server full time as well. As Soon as I could, I started up again in August of 2017 and have been a loyal member ever since. I haven’t even been to another CrossFit gym LOL. I chose OP because it had a reputation for being one of the best gyms in the area. I was always hearing good things about the community of members at the box and the welcoming atmosphere. I’m glad I chose OP because everything I heard turned out to be true.

What was your first workout/most memorable workout?

I would have to say that the 12 days of Christmas WOD back in 2015 was an exceptionally brutal workout for me. That opened my eyes to the level of grit one had to maintain to get through without giving up, and man I tell ya I was in a dark place during that WOD.

How has Crossfit and the OP community helped you accomplish your goals?

My goals have always been the same. Keep working to become a better person in all the avenues I choose to pursue. CorssFit has always reiterated that no matter how good you may be there is always a way to get better. With no ego and perseverance this is possible.

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What are your favorite Crossfit movements & why?

I love the snatch. I am not great at it  but for me it represents the perfect balance of strength, technique and fluidity that comes only after many hard fought days in the gym. When it is done right it is beautiful.

What is your proudest Crossfit accomplishment?
I would have to say improving my Murph time. It was a personal goal of mine since last year. I set a goal to shave off 2 mins from last year and I did. Now if I could only get a 220 snatch…
What’s something memorable you’ve realized or learned while being at OP?

Everyone is so encouraging and eager to help or offer advice whether is about things in the gym or out. I have never encountered a person there that not had something kind or positive to offer with every conversation.

Image may contain: 6 people, including Hayley Costa, Shelley Marie and Erick J. Rivera, people smiling, people standing, shorts and outdoor

More from Josh:CrossFit OP represents to me a place where you can be humble, learn and improve, be involved with the community, make great friends, share experiences and grow as a group. I am grateful that OP is the way that it is and I hope it never changes and always improve as it has.