Athlete of the Month: April

We are proud to share our April Athlete of the Month;

Belinda Escanio

About Belinda:

Age: 43
Occupation: Family Physician / Opiate Addiction subspecialty @ Jencare Geriatrics
Fitness background: Some Shorinji Kempo back in the day, some bootcamp, mostly running back and forth all day between 2 clinic rooms.
Hobbies: I work with an organization called Hands on Global which provides medical care to a refugee community of buddhists in the Himalayas.   In June, our international team travels to the remote village of Zanskar which takes 2 days by jeep on unpaved roads off a mountain edge to serve at the Dalai Lama Clinic.  
Favorite pre/post workout meal: Vega Pre-Workout with turmeric for anti-inflammation

More Fun Facts:

What superpower would you want to possess?  

Power of self-mastery.

What’s your favorite Cheat Meal?

Tres Leches or Tiramisu cake at Whole Foods

What 3 things would you bring with you to a deserted island?
Satellite phone, water purifier, and positive thoughts.
When did you start Crossfit and why did you choose OP?

Started CF 1 year ago after moving here from Washington state and chose CF OP because of its proximity and heard there was a good community of folks here.


What was your first workout/most memorable workout?

Last year I took Kayla to see the dinosaur exhibit at the Hampton Coliseum and bumped into the GRIT festival thinking how intense those folks were. I had never imagined doing it. Ironic how I ended up joining a strong team with Kayla, Patricia, Nicole and being a part of GRIT this year!

How has Crossfit and the OP community helped you accomplish your goals?

The biggest challenge of CF is just showing up to burn off the crazy after a 10 hour workday.

What are your favorite Crossfit movements & why?

Burpees and box jumps are fun because handstand walks and muscle ups are not in my “scope of practice.”

What is your proudest Crossfit accomplishment?

How did I end up doing CF OPEN this year and surviving it . . . I don’t know.

What’s something memorable you’ve realized or learned while being at OP?

“Do not let fear determine your fate!”

More from Belinda:

Props to Dianne and Jim for providing the space for community, for the awesome coaches that constantly guide us to improve our form and develop our skills, and the CF fam that encourage and push us beyond what our mind says we are capable of doing.