Athlete of the Month: May

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We are proud to share our May Athlete of the Month;

Tony Grinbarg

About Tony:

Age: 33
Occupation: I change the world, one Chicken Sandwich at a time
Fitness background: Karate Black belt (4th grade)
Hobbies: My marriage, my kids, Church, Celebrate Recovery and the best Chick-fil-A in the world: Chick-fil-A inside Patrick Henry Mall
Favorite pre/post workout meal: Peanut butter.  My wife points out that I choke myself every time, yet I still come back for more

More Fun Facts:

What is your spirit animal?

Fungi. I mostly stay out of sight, but occasionally I pop up and impress you

What superpower would you want to possess?  

Gain someone else’s knowledge with a handshake

What’s your favorite Cheat Meal?

Dino’s Pizza & Garlic Knots

What 3 things would you bring with you to a deserted island?

Le’ Bible, my wife, & my Audible account

What are your 3 most frequently used Emojis?
When did you start Crossfit and why did you choose OP?

I started September 2018, I chose OP because the people are kind, yet intense and the coaches give great feedback.

What was your first workout/most memorable workout?

Early on Bomba had us doing something upside down with rings. I remember feeling terrified, yet invigorated.  Everyone else was doing the same. I realized I could never go back to a regular gym experience.

How has Crossfit and the OP community helped you accomplish your goals?
  1. I want to serve Jesus well. Week one, I realized CrossFit balances me out & increased my energy level to serve others better.
  2. I want to be a great Husband and Dad – My wife cannot resist my swole body and my 2yo son loves being thrown like a kettlebell. American, not Russian, of course.
  3. I want to be a great Chick-fil-A Operator- I don’t know how it works but I have better executive functioning as a result of my workouts. For me, CrossFit literally pays for itself.
What are your favorite Crossfit movements & why?

I love rowing- I love the feeling of accomplishment I get by knowing I’ve simply showed up that day.

Whatever the thing is where you catch the bar overhead and one of your legs goes back and one goes forward.  This was a recurring skill exercise when we first started.  I remember doubting that my brain could adapt to do this- but Alan coached me otherwise. (The Split Jerk)

I love any other of the random skill things we do.  There is something so fun to me about challenging my brain at 5:30 in the morning in a new way.

What is your proudest Crossfit accomplishment?

I am proud of the behavioral accomplishment of showing up at 5:30AM, 3x week for 3 months straight when I started.  During that season, business was hard, life was hard, but I managed to make starting CrossFit a priority and it has grown my energy level & confidence and now it’s provided a strong foundation to hit future goals.

I‘ve also managed to push myself to new squat weights with good form.  This is impressive because I have learned I have a weak butt.

What’s something memorable you’ve realized or learned while being at OP?

Coach Roxy has shown me that when I want to accomplish something truly challenging, I need other’s direction & support.  I always knew this in my head, but being faced with movements that I couldn’t will myself to do- I needed feedback from my coaches & peers.  This has moved this lesson into my heart.  It has changed how patiently I lead my team as they step out of their current comfort zone.

More from Tony:

I am grateful for the organization that ya’ll have created & sustained.

I also am so grateful for the feedback and support that my coaches and peers have provided, sometimes just by being there and showing up next to me.

And 5:30 AM class is the best.
