CrossFit Kids Fitness Class at CrossFit OP is centered around creating lifelong fitness habits for our future generations.
Our kids fitness class is focused helping the young athletes conquer the basic CrossFit Skills of:
– coordination
– agility
– speed
– mobility
– and strength.
In addition, teamwork and building confidence is also a major component. Athletes learn what foods will increase their muscles, increase their energy and ultimately make them feel better. This is developed according to the CrossFit Hierarchy of Development.
Each athlete encourages one another and learns how to both win and lose. Sometimes losing can be tough but when you have a teammate who encourages and supports a valiant effort, it can be invaluable.
Our CrossFit Kids class not only focuses on the physical aspect but our athlete’s brains as well. We discuss different muscle groups, basic anatomy, food groups and even include tons of math! Studies show that your brain will retain up to 30% more information after a tough workout!
Each kid can earn stars throughout the month by encouraging one another, reaching new goals, learning something new and even cleaning up after each other. At the end of the month the winning athlete gets to pick from our prize box!
Below is an example of what one of our daily 45-minute long CrossFit Kids Fitness Classes looks like…
Kids Fitness Warm up
200m Runs
Skipping, shuffling, running!
…into 3 rounds of:
15 mountain climbers
10 air squats
5 burpees
Stretching plus Discuss the Muscles!
As we progress in the class, athletes get to choose the muscles (by their proper name!) that are stretched out for the class.
Fitness Skills:
Jumping Rope Skills:
Single Unders
Double Unders (rope passes TWICE under your feet with each jump)
Deadlifts: Practicing form and technique before adding load
Good Mornings – for perfect positiong
Deadbug positions – for core awareness and engagement throughout the lift
Kettlebell deadlifts – light weight and an easier object to lift and stabilize
Barbell deadlifts – starting with an empty barbell and adding weight plates as they advance!
CrossFit Kids WOD (workout of the day) for time:
Pull Ups or Ring Rows
Box Jump Overs
Super cool high fives and kick bumps (COVID friendly)!
We build skills based off of progressions where kids can steadily increase the difficulty or weight. When an athlete accomplishes a new goal or sets a new personal record we RING THE BELL and everyone cheers!!!
When athletes record their information in the app SugarWOD they can give their teammates fist bumps. This application also allows them to note their individual progress for their workouts.