Check out this wonderful testimony from member Pam Gabriel! She has been working hard and seeing some amazing progress!!
“We moved here in the summer of 2019, leaving behind a beautiful assignment in Germany. It was a difficult transition getting used to America again.
In typical mom style, I put others needs ahead of my own, and before I knew it, I didn’t like what I was seeing in the mirror. For over 20 years, this has been my pattern and cycle . . . drifting in and out of keeping myself fit inside and out.
My friend Dawn had been talking to me about the positive experience and results she had since she joined CrossFit Oyster Point. I pretty much applauded her, yet ignored her at the same time. I wasn’t interested at all in CrossFit. I had never done it, it didn’t look fun, and it was way too intimidating for a middle-aged woman to enter that kind of fitness facility.
After COVID hit, I continued my downward spiral until I “broke” and started seriously considering Dawn’s invitation. One day, I just picked up the phone and made the appointment to find out more.
I joined CrossFit OP for a variety of reasons: to lose weight, to get myself physically back in shape, to get myself mentally back in shape, to get myself out of the house and interacting with other people, and to get my nutrition back on track. To date, I think the fact that I actually made the step to improve my fitness has been my biggest accomplishment. I think there are some measurable things that I can show from my first 8 weeks at OP: I’ve lost approximately 8 pounds and around 2 inches in various spots, my nutrition and calorie intake are both on track, and I’ve met some great fellow exercise friends.
I am challenged every day with the WOD’s – it will never feel normal for me to do a snatch, but I’m trying my best to learn the proper movements (THANK YOU OP COACHES FOR BEING SO PATIENT AND HELPFUL) and I’m gradually building my strength. That is my current goal – to just keep coming and making improvements.
My favorite memory is my first day of class after my Essentials…The Legends group welcomed me with smiles and encouragement and made me feel totally comfortable. It was awesome. I am motivated to continue improving my fitness so I can be strong as I get older and so I can keep up with my active family.
I like to think that joining a fitness group that was out of my comfort zone, learning how to eat healthy, and continuing to stay fit will be inspiring to my four beautiful daughters and maybe for others out there who felt the same way. “